Mar 25, 2009

Freezer catches fire and causes serious house blaze, in Sevenoaks, UK - No injury

On 25th of March 2009, a family who live in Sevenoaks (Dunton Green, London Road) had a lucky escape after a fire broke out in their kitchen. Tony and Tina Taylor were asleep when a fault in their freezer sparked the blaze at 2.08am. Alerted by the smoke alarm, their 22-year-old son Chris, who works for British Airways and had just returned, burst into his parents' bedroom and alerted them to the blaze. "We managed to rush down the stairs and keep our heads below the smoke which was gathering on the ceiling." Sevenoaks firefighters spent more than half an hour fighting the blaze and it was extinguished by 2.53am. House is currently unhabitable.